Tragic Loss: 5-Year-Old Chinese Girl Succumbs to Liver Disease After Father’s Heartbreaking Transplant, Elicits Deep Public Sympathy


The heartbreaking tale of a five-year-old girl, affectionately called Yiling, who tragically passed away despite undergoing transplant surgery where her devoted single father donated part of his liver, has stirred immense sympathy online. Yiling’s health deteriorated rapidly on December 23, leading to her passing three days later at a hospital in southwestern China’s Chongqing municipality, as reported by Red Star News.

The family had captured widespread attention earlier when Yiling’s father, surnamed Liang, a migrant worker, selflessly offered a portion of his liver to provide his daughter with a chance to overcome her life-threatening condition. Yiling had been diagnosed with cholestasis in July 2022, stemming from a genetic mutation that severely damaged her liver, necessitating transplant surgery.

Following a successful operation in October, the little girl was discharged and returned to live with her father in their village in Wushan, Chongqing. Liang made the heartfelt decision to stay home and care for Yiling, forsaking his regular work to sell goods on social media and rely on donations to cover her medical expenses.

The 28-year-old father, who had separated from Yiling’s mother in 2020 due to incompatibility, expressed his deep bond with his daughter, lamenting her absence in a poignant social media post after her passing. He articulated his profound grief, stating, “My heart aches, and my home ceases to exist without you.”

Stricken by the loss, Liang halted donations and removed all online products, deeming material wealth futile without his daughter. His poignant words reflected his hope for Yiling’s peaceful rest, away from the pain of her illness and treatments.

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On mainland social media, an outpouring of empathy ensued for the grieving father, lauding his selfless sacrifices and immense responsibility in caring for his daughter. Comments hailed his unwavering commitment and highlighted his remarkable parental dedication, garnering significant support and admiration from thousands online.

This heartrending narrative echoes a similar touching incident from March the previous year, when a mother in central Hubei province gained social media attention for donating her liver to save her one-year-old son’s life.